The Trona Pinnacles Aglow

This was a boring shot of the Trona Pinnacles, carbonate towers near Trona, California that are similar to those at Mono Lake. It was early morning, but a bit past the best time to take a picture so the area was really heavily shadowed with many bright spots. I played with the picture using photo-editing software and brought out that natural glow that was hidden by the glare. I liked the picture a bit, but wasn't really into it until I set it as my desktop background for a while. The different tones the picture takes on as the computer boots up, then warms, then as it gets turned off, makes the picture turn from earliest dawn to sunset at various points and I've just fallen in love with the variations.


  1. Gorgeous picture! I've been able to salvage some 'nice' photos and make them into winners with the use of photo editing software also - none quite as grand as this pic though.

  2. Nice pic! The place looks desolate.

  3. Thanks! Isn't photo editing fun?

    It is pretty desolate out there. Actually part of the reason I didn't get a good picture of the area was because there was a big dust storm there the last time we visited and the sand was really sharp against my skin.


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